Monday 10 February 2014

a forty first cartoon...'office still-life'

Still-life paintings have never really been my cuppa.  There are one or two exceptions, namely Van Gogh (yes, The Sunflowers!) and Matisse (various); however, how many fruit bowls and/or vases of flowers can one take in and enjoy?!  Still-life painting has it's origins in Graeco-Roman art, and became a professional specialisation in the 16th century, it's aim to depict the inanimate and the common-place, at the same time as giving the artist freedom in composition (by contrast with the then disciplines of portraiture and landscape painting). Offices are, in a sense, still-lifes, or so they can appear...the only movements being fingers on keyboards, or the occasional tongue wagging when speaking down the telephone; these days you don't even have to move between desks, let alone floors.  This cartoon has plenty of the inanimate and the common-place; the artistic freedom exercised being the rather frivolous use of primary colours.

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