Monday 9 December 2013

a fifty second poem...'sea and sky'

Where the sea and horizon meet, as far as your eyes, where the sea touches the sky, and on the beach, where the waves roll in with the tide, and then out again, where the land connects with the sea, from our sandy seat, here among the sea grass and white sand, from our seat above the beach on the white sand dunes, our backs to the land, the fire-pit still glows, orange embers, black and orange nuggets of coal, charcoal and grey ash from the wood, the thrift store piano we found and broke up, burned to keep the night at bay, on the beach, and out to where the sea touches the sky, the endless shore, if there’s something else, if there’s something more, you have to tell me now, this handful of sand, it will slip away through my fingers and yours, you have to tell me now, for it may be later than we think, where the sea and the horizon meet, to the brink, as far as your eyes, our backs to the land. 

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