Monday 23 July 2012

an eighteenth story...'sugar or granulated happiness'

‘Those glasses never suited him’ she said to her friend.  ‘And would he ever take them off?!’  She shook her head, her friend smiled.  ‘I mean talk about seeing things from one perspective!’  They were having coffee, both cups had gone cold.  ‘I never wanted it to come to this though’.  Her friend shifted uneasily in his seat, he was the silent type, people thought he was a good listener.  They looked at their plates.  The radio on the counter was playing sentimental AM rock.  ‘I don’t know’ she said at last, ‘maybe this will change him for the better’. ‘Maybe’ said her friend.  He was poking around in the sugar bowl.  ‘I was so angry at first.  We were in the kitchen and I remember looking around quickly, half intending to throw something at him’.  A cute young couple sat down at the table opposite. 

She dabbed her top lip with her napkin and wiped the corner of her eye.   ‘Would you like another cup of coffee?’ he asked.  ‘Oh, you’re sweet’ she said, and touched his wrist.  ‘Yes’ she said and sniffed loudly.  He asked if she was alright. ‘I’m okay’ she replied.  Then the waitress saw him stand up and came over to their table.  ‘Two more coffees please’ he requested.  The waitress was also young and pretty and had thick brown curls that fell to her shoulders.  ‘I’m so glad you agreed to meet’ she said.  ‘It’s good to have company just now’.  ‘I bet’ he said.  The tears were rigged in her eyes.  He looked at her hesitantly, he had a little plastic teaspoon in his right hand and kept pressing the base against the table top. 

They sat quietly for a minute and the waitress returned with two cups of coffee, a pot of milk, and a fresh sugar bowl.  He thanked the waitress and spooned some sugar into his coffee.  ‘I’m not normally one for crying’ she said to him.  He breathed in deeply.  ‘It’s fine’ he replied.  ‘In public too.  Who would have thought?’ she continued.   He began to stir.  She looked tired and unhappy.  ‘When was the last time you had sugar in your coffee?’ he asked.    

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